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Dayla Drinks

Dayla Drinks are a leading soft drinks distributor specialising in On-Trade business. In recent years they have become a leading name in the wholesale drinks world, with more than 3000 products and almost 100 members of staff.
Case Study

The Problem

Dayla, as a company are experiencing very strong growth and as a result have found the volume of incoming orders become a challenge. Traditionally they have taken a relaxed approach to late orders or unusual orders, as well as orders placed by voicemail and email.

Although their specialist telesales team were able to handle the increase in phone orders, orders placed after cut-off times or when the office was not manned were having a knock on effect on the efficiency of the transport fleet.

There was also a rush to get through to their order team mid afternoon which saw some customers experience difficulty making contact – and Dayla’s telesales team having to work at a speed which saw them unable to devote time to individual customers.

Orders taken on the App are 41% higher in value than the average for all orders taken.
In one month alone 184 valuable, expert person-hours has been regained by the company to use on customer service and profitable upselling. This can mean happier suppliers as well.

The Solution

SwiftCloud was the perfect solution to help Dayla combat these issues as it offered them an eCommerce system which allowed their customers to place orders after the cut off.  SwiftCloud also ensured that customers who were using difficult methods of ordering such as voicemails and emails now had a new straightforward way of ordering. Not only was this great for Dayla but it was great for their customers too.

Since implementing SwiftCloud, Dayla have reaped the rewards of introducing a B2B eCommerce platform. The elimination of difficult voice message orders and complicated email orders have seen a reduction in input errors. The Dayla telesales team also have more time in place to deal with queries and requests – and importantly, can upsell offers put in place by brand owners.

The reduction in order processing time is invaluable as David Gerrard, Dayla’s Online Project Manager describes “In terms of order processing time – take May 2023 – 1,833 orders came in through the App. If each order would have taken a telesales operator 6 minutes to input explain, check, confirm and send, then 184 valuable, expert person-hours has been regained by the company to use on customer service and profitable upselling. This can mean happier suppliers as well.”

Finally, Dayla have also increased their basket size with orders placed through SwiftCloud 41% higher in value than the average for all orders taken.

Seamless ERP integration
Custom Pricing
Ongoing Support
Fast Repeat Ordering
Custom Branding
Complex Ordering
Tech Support Guidance
Constant Updates
The response to questions and contact is first rate.
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